Is The MonaVie Juice A Fresh Deal Or Another Rotten Internet Scam?

MonaVie offers its customers an extremely high-quality fruit juice blend, which includes the exclusive and highly nutritious Acai Berry. The Acai is considered a global "super fruit", and contains among the highest levels of antioxidants found in any fruit or vegetable.

A friend of mine was an associate for the MLM MonaVie operation, so whenever I came to visit him, I sampled one of their drinks from his fridge. I loved the flavor of the original MonaVie Blend, as well as how refreshed I felt from the drink. I have never had any MLM company experience myself, but I was truly impressed by the product that MonaVie offered.

Unfortunately, my friend only ever seemed to stock that original blend for his guests. So I made it a point to investigate MonaVie more thoroughly. It turns out they carry a whole line of high-quality juice blends. Each blend touts different nutritional offerings, to suit virtually everyone's needs.
MonaVie Active, for example, promotes joint health and fitness. It is loaded with the tropical fruit lychee, which should be familiar to anyone who loves to vacation in Hawaii. The lychee plant has an unique flavor unlike anything else. When you blend the lychee together with the sweet acai berry, and mix in other exotic flavors like pomegranate, and the comforting, more familiar flavors of cranberry and blueberry, the result is an extraordinarily tasty drink loaded with health benefits. You can really see the quality available in every MonaVie product.

I also tried the MonaVie Pulse, which aims to improve cardiovascular fitness and health. Just four ounces of the MonaVie Pulse actually contain the antioxidants found in thirteen servings of fruits and vegetables! So you really know you're covering all your bases with this drink.

MonaVie even offers their own natural alternative to popular (but caffeine and sugar-laden) grocery-shelf energy drinks like Monster or Red Bull. The MonaVie energy drink is called MonaVie E MV. It offers consumers a high-quality energy boost, without the awful crash you get from typical energy drinks when your body burns off all that sugar.

I think MonaVie's expansion into energy drinks is a smart business decision. It widens their appeal as a company -- not only do they offer standard-leading products in the Health and Wellness industry, but they can now cross-market into a completely separate demographic. Now, they really have drinks the whole family can enjoy -- the college student might like MonaVie E MV while studying for finals, while Mom or Dad might be boosting their joint health with the MonaVie Active.

MonaVie offers a tasty product that distributors would be proud to sell to their customers. Sellers should really emphasize the novel traits of the line, as well as its beneficial properties, so their customers understand the value of the product.